Classes Offered

Tiny Tots  • Creative Movement   •  Combo (Ballet/Tap)  •  Little Movers

Ballet  •   Modern   •   Tap •  Jazz • Hip Hop  •  Musical Theater  •   Acro for Dancers

Lyrical/Contemporary • Composition and Improvisation • Adult Classes

Tiny Tots This a fun class designed to introduce toddlers to basic ballet, gymnastics and creative dance. We will incorporate a variety of games, music and props to give our tiny dancers an interactive, creative class each week. A parent is welcome to take the class with their child, but this is not required. Ages 2-3

Creative Movement
 Designed with our youngest dancers in mind, we encourage our dancers to utilize their creativity and imagination. Creative Movement focuses on increasing the student’s flexibility, balance, and memorization skills, while introducing them to the art of dance. Basic ballet steps are gradually incorporated into each lesson plan. 
Ages 3-4

Combo Class (Ballet/Tap) 
This is the ideal class for beginner students who would like to be exposed to both ballet and tap. The first 30 minutes of the class will be designated to ballet, followed by 15 minutes of tap. Combo Class provides young dancers with a strong foundation in two fundamental types of dance.   Ages 5-6

Little Movers Created to better suit our working families, this class is typically held at non-traditional times. The class is designed for our younger movers and will focus on basic ballet technique, while improving flexibility, balance, musicality and creativity.
   Ages 3-6

Our ballet classes place a strong emphasis on dance technique and proper form. Each class consists of a barre warm-up, as well as, across the floor and center combinations. Along with learning ballet technique, dancers will be introduced to dance terminology. Ballet is offered in a variety of levels, with each level integrating the appropriate degree of complexity and variety of movement.  Ages 7+

Students will be introduced to the Limon technique, Cunningham technique, Graham technique, along with various other styles. Modern class encourages the dancers to utilize their creativity, while learning a new way to move through space. Modern is offered in a variety of levels, with each level integrating the appropriate degree of complexity and variety of movement.    Ages 7+

 Tap encourages students to work on time-rhythm coordination and enhance their stage presence skills. Tap is offered in a variety of levels with each level integrating the appropriate degree of complexity and variety of movement.  Ages 7+

 This style of dance blends a little funk with a whole lot of fun. A high-energy class that consists of various combinations including jumps, leaps and turns, as well as center and across the floor combinations. The students will increase their flexibility, strength, and stability and improve time-rhythm coordination skills. Jazz is offered in a variety of levels, with each level integrating the appropriate degree of complexity and variety of movement. Ages 7+

Hip Hop 
This “Don’t Miss” class is a high-energy class that mixes urban street dancing with Jazz technique. Our Hip Hop classes are full of technically challenging steps set to pumping music.  Ages 5+

Musical Theater Musical Theatre class will focus on learning proper dance technique while exploring the various dance styles used in Broadway shows. Class curriculum is based on ballet technique layered with Broadway style jazz movement and includes a proper warm-up. Emphasis will also be placed on learning choreography from past and current Broadway musicals, connecting with the audience, telling a story through dance and facial expressions. Ages 7+

Acro for Dancers A class for dancers interested increasing their flexibility and mobility through acro, mat work. Ages 7+

A class designed for those interested in exploring movement driven by musical lyrics. This class will offer a contemporary feel while utilizing ballet technique in a creative way. No prior ballet experience needed for Lyrical 1 but those interested in higher levels must also be enrolled in a Ballet class.  Ages 7+

Composition and Improvisation Come learn the art of creating spontaneous movement through improvisation, as well as, the building blocks needed to create choreography through guided composition skills.  This class will give students the opportunity to navigate body mapping through various levels, shapes and connections with their fellow dancers. Ages 10+

Adult Classes  Are you an adult looking for a fun and creative way to be healthy? Our adult classes are designed for those with and without previous dance experience. Come learn Ballet, Jazz Funk and Tap with our amazing instructors. Adult